學習內容 | Learning Overview
- 與造物主連結、合一、共創
- 希塔療癒冥想方式二
- 擴大感覺的創造
- 豐盛感覺的下載
- 8種挖掘捷徑介紹
- 深入認識存有七界
- 與存有七界合作:與高我、祖先、植物、動物、水晶礦石溝通
- 送愛給子宮內的胎兒
- 修補破碎的靈魂
- 淨化物品與空間深入認識存有七界
- 顯化
- 解讀未來方式二─記起未來
- 心之歌
Connect to the Divine (concept of Oneness and Co-Creation)
Meditation Method II
Deeper Learning of the Creation of Feelings
The Downloads: Feelings of Abundance
Deeper Learning of 3Rs
Introduction of 8 Shortcuts for Digging
Deeper Learning of 7 Planes of Existence:
- Working with 7 Planes: Connect to Higher-Self, Ancestors, Plants, Animals, Crystals & Minerals
- Send Love to Baby in the Womb
- Heal the Broken Soul
- Clearing objects and places
- Manifestation
- Remember your Future
- Heart Song
Pre-Requisite:Basic DNA
Reference: 《Advanced Theta Healing: Harnessing the Power of All That Is》
擴充內容 | Bonus
- 彎曲時間
- 認識神聖時機
- 靈魂使命
- 心理學擴充- 覺察自己
- 靈通X靈媒X通靈
- 凱希擴充教材
Advanced DNA Workshop
- Bending Time
- Understanding Sacred Timing
- Soul Mission
- Psychology Aspect – Exploring your patterns
- Psychic senses X Mediumship X Trance Medium
- Other additional materials from Cassie