學習內容 | Learning Overview
- 實作演練八種希塔療癒深度挖掘的快速路徑。
- 活用深度挖掘技巧。
- 療癒師將透過此課程,練習協助個案理解自身行為模式與人生脈絡的方法,透過與造物主/宇宙源頭連結,與個案共創療癒成果。
先修條件:初階DNA & 進階DNA
參考書目: 《希塔療癒──信念挖掘:重新連接潛意識 療癒你最深層的內在》
- In-Depth Practice of 8 Shortcuts to Digging Work
- Become Confident in the Digging and Belief work
- Empower practitioners to help clients understand their own behaviors and lives. Co-create healing changes with clients by connecting to the Creator.
Pre-Requisite:Basic DNA & Advanced DNA
Reference: 《ThetaHealing: Digging For Beliefs》
擴充內容 | Bonus
- 第9種挖掘捷徑
- 第10種挖掘捷徑
- 心理學擴充-療癒演練
- 凱希擴充教材
Dig Deeper Workshop
- The 9th shortcut to digging work
- The 10th shortcut to digging work
- Psychology Aspect – Healing Practice
- Other additional materials from Cassie