此外,她是非營利組織「超越創傷計劃」的創始成員,致力於推廣結合靈性、心理學與科學的創傷療癒方法。她相信,在當下的創傷與轉變時代,透過日常靈性連結與自我照護,每個人都能實現內心對齊與轉化。最後,Judy 提及了塔拉·羅達斯(Tara Rodas)在美國國會揭露政府資助的兒童販賣問題的行動,進一步強調她故事中的光明與真相。
Staying Alive UK. Share your story. Hello, Judy. How are you today? I’m great. Thanks for inviting me on. I’m really excited to have you on the podcast, actually. It’s been a long time in the coming, right? Because you were moving house and you had to delay things. So we’ve had a big break and in terms of getting you here. And so I hope your move went smoothly and you’re settled in by the looks of it. I am settled in now. Great. Yeah, fantastic. Well, Judy, I am very naughty and lazy at the same time. I ask one question to begin with. I have no other rehearsed questions. And then one question is, well, Julie, thanks for coming on the podcast. Would you like to share your story and how you got where you are today?
I would. And I’m actually excited and been waiting a long time to be more public about my story. So I really appreciate that you you have this format that I can talk more about it. Great. Yeah. My story is very unique because of what I survived and have changed so much about myself and who I am because of it. It’s a story that goes to the depths of darkness on a personal and on a larger planetary and cosmic level. Yeah, it’s about multigenerational multigenerational abuse. And it’s true. It’s traumatic effects and that it’s still happening to this day, even worldwide. Some who have survived this kind of what I consider extreme trauma that I’ll be mentioning have gone public with full details. And I think it’s a really brave move.
But I’ve chosen to do my journey really differently. Though I’ve discussed aspects publicly for the last 20 some years, but I’ve instead focused on my healing and helping others to heal from trauma due to childhood abuse. Yeah. So, just to say that I’m going to truncate a lot of the story for several reasons. I know the intensity of. How hearing too much at one time affects what I call the autonomic nervous system that fights, flights, and freezes. And I want people to stay present with me. I’ve lived through so much, or we all have lived through so much shock and trauma in the past three years. So, I want to just kind of make it more gentle for everyone. Sure. Thank you. Yeah. So.
The other reason is that I’ve written a, or I will be writing a fictionalized autobiography of my life. And so there are aspects of this that I don’t want public now and that I’ll put it in symbolic or metaphorical ways when I write the book. Understood. Yeah. So. So. So what I’m about to say is going to probably be a little bit mind-blowing for some and difficult for others. Well, some are going to be able to relate to it historically, or what’s going on presently as well. Yeah. So. I was born during the Cold War in the 50s, and people reflect on that time. Kind of like the Leave It to Beaver area or air. Yeah.
And, you know, like the Cleaver family, and everything was okay, but it wasn’t for millions of other children; the country was afraid of communists, and many felt that there had to be strategies to fight this. And so, this is what the history texts say, but that’s on a surface level. Yeah. So, meanwhile, Nazis were already being brought in to the United States through Project Paperclip. And that was during and after World War Two. And so consider Cape Canaveral and the Nazi Werner Von Braun, who was brought here to work in rocketry and space during that time and through the 50s and 60s. So there were a lot more than him. So, Eisenhower talked about the military.
He talked about the military industrial complex, and they use their techniques from World War Two and the Korean War on selected children in this country as controlled and programmed experiments and slaves. Wow. Yeah. There’s a lot of books actually out written about this. So. Your audience will probably be curious about. I grew up on the east coast of the United States, in what was considered basically a Jewish middle class neighborhood. And that was the cover religion. My DNA is European Jewish, but that’s not my identity in who I consider I am. I consider myself a spiritual being having a human experience. Yes. And. And so. So the surface or the top story of my biological family, who just, by the way, I don’t have contact with was about my mother and her severe mental health issues and how much she would be emotionally abusive towards me.
So there was kind of the scapegoats in the family. Sure. My mother. I’m sorry, what? Sure. I said, sure. Oh, OK. So, my mother was labeled as having manic depression, which is now called bipolar, and was also labeled as manic suicidal. She was hospitalized often, and my father hired women to take care of me and the siblings. And as a young child under three, I would go around my grandmother’s neighborhood because I lived with her. That life-scar, she knew, wasn’t that she would? Well, order to make money or not, she even asked women to be my mother. And it was a big sign of having already what’s considered attachment disorder. And God. So, my mother. She also attempted suicide many times even while she was pregnant with me. So, my mother.
And I had actually discovered this ahead of time in the Thomas Tyranny case, repressed memory. My family. How I’m healed back to life and my dad came to me. By a state investigator, um, finding part of my mother’s records in a very famous hospital, so I love it when this validation you know comes and it has come for years to me, I mean the most bizarre things show up, um, and my mother wasn’t bipolar, uh, she had dissociative identity disorder, also known as multiple personalities, and kind of like in the book Sybil, and in fact her abuse towards me was just like what Sybil’s mother did to her, and this became who’s Sybil, Judy, who’s Sybil. So Sybil was a woman; they did a movie with Sally Field back in the 70s and there was a movie about it, right?
And she had many personalities, and her mother would torture her in different ways when her father was at work, right? So I read this book back in the early 70s when it came out, and I just it resonated with me but I didn’t have my memories then, right? So yeah, um, thank you, yeah, sure so um, my memory started coming out which was after the Harmonic Convergence in September of ’87. You know, so much started flooding in information to me, and I actually put out to God, I said, ‘Just just give it all to me You know, whatever happened, I’m so grateful that it didn’t come out that way. So, my father, and um, well just to say also that I’m so grateful that I’m able to tell you that I’m able to tell you that the sexual abuse started um as an infant and that was by different relatives besides my mother.
And I was being groomed for trafficking and more. So some of my relatives uh made big bucks off of me in sexual training and services, and that included my maternal grandfather, my father, and my paternal grandmother. My grandmother were not involved in the abuse. In fact, my grandmother attempted to stop her husband, my paternal grandfather, from Sexually abusing me, but he retaliated and became violent with her right so you know this was, you know, the patterns and dysfunctional homes and abusive homes. So your grandmother and grandfather are the parents of your mother father father? Father wow okay yeah so like I said my father wasn’t involved, my grandmother wasn’t involved, no. I understand but my other side was yeah I didn’t know, I was trying to see if there was a connection between your mother and her parents, uh, but it wasn’t, it was the other side of the family, your father’s side of the family, and your mother well actually both sides of the family was it?
Oh yes, absolutely. So when my grandfather died, which is when I was three years old, like right around that time that abuse stopped with him. But my other grandfather was already trafficking me. Yeah, how did they communicate with each other? Do you know? Oh, yeah, yeah, and that’s well where I’ll get to in the story, okay. Sorry, I’m jumping ahead, not at all, not at all. I mean, you know, you had both sides of the family being involved, so the story gets larger and larger, yeah. So at the time, um, kind of like skipping a little piece in the late 80s, I did a disclosure with the family. I flew out from California to California and I was in California and I was in California, and I was in California, and
I went to my birthplace and I gathered a few members of the family, one of them being the perpetrator, one of the perpetrators, and I did a truth sharing of what I knew at that time which wasn’t very much but it was enough to awaken some people in my family and my father was there and an uncle was there and a sister was there and so I had like 40 people praying for me at the time, I mean disclosure, at that time this was early on in the whole movement so it was a very very big deal and so um during that disclosure my father put his head down which was his signal um because he had what I considered An ostrich syndrome, and that was his coping mechanism for, you know, most of my childhood.
He couldn’t deal with it and I understand; I have forgiveness and compassion for that, you know. Through my health, but so um, my uh another relative after the confrontation or the disclosure, I’d rather call it um came forward and she had been abused by the paternal grandfather also right and he had kept it basically a family secret for 50 years while she was in and out of psychiatric, you know, doctors and stuff like that. And so that was a confirmation at that time, yes; I’m remembering you know what happened because nobody told me anything. You know, all of it came up through the repressed memories, so um, and actually my father knew that I had been abused by his father because he told me afterwards that he was abused by his father and that I was abused by
him; he saw it and tried to stop it, taking me away from his father in the act of it, but then turned me right back to his mother, living with his father because my mother was in mental hospitals, so you know there wasn’t a choice for him; he was working, so I was um, you know, most people think of sex trafficking of children, taking them to places to be abused for money, and it’s way more than that; so um, I was abused not only by family. Members but well-known members of the community with that Jewish faith, and doctors, Broadway, and Hollywood stars, and politicians. I was taken to horrific cult ritual activities, and I was used in pornography; um, there are elements involved in all of this that are unfathomable in levels of abuse and torture and trauma involved for most people to comprehend.
Um, I was also used in organized international traffic rings, and even more. I’ve had over a hundred near-death experiences which I stopped counting when I reached that number; and so that says, you know, a great deal about out-of-body experiences and spiritual. Experiences that I had, yeah, many times when I would cross over Yahshua would be there and he would just hold me and I would just and then he would lovingly tell me remind me of what my mission was and that I would have to go back because I didn’t, I didn’t want to, you know. But I had to remember what I was here to do. Um, I’ve always been intuitive and I was used for my abilities in that um, but I didn’t remember any of that because I also lived in dissociative states like my mother yes, and um, I integrated from dissociative identity disorder actually 28 years ago today the day we’re recording, so it’s an anniversary.
So yeah. I know it’s amazing, the timing and um that integration was a 9-month process, what I consider three months of accommodation for Christy, it’s like a a god birthing process for me and I went from a we state to a me state. And um, what do you mean with that? Judy could you explain that well? I lived in a multiple state so there were 28 parts of me that I consciously worked with right and those those children, um I called them my associates. So when people would call on the phone, you know we had answering machines in those days and it would say ‘I would say hi, my name is Judy, leave a message for me and the associates’ and so my friends knew what that meant.
Right, yeah, I mean, you have to have humor, you know. Yeah, you have to have humor, you know. Yes, yes, so um did that explain it enough? It does. So are you talking about multiple personalities then? Yes, yes, that’s what dissociative identity disorder is and you say 28? Oh yeah, whoa! I mean, I don’t even know the topic that well at all, obviously. I understand the phrase ‘multiple personalities’ but I would have always thought there might be, you know, one, two or three maximum, right? But to have that many, yeah, when you said that it reminded me of when that movie came out, you know, The Three Faces of Eve with Joanne Woodward, and you know actually Eve had way more than three personalities, but Hollywood didn’t go there.
And actually, 28 is not that big; I’ve worked with people who had thousands of parts and they’re called polyfragmented, okay? So people don’t know that, but yeah, yeah, no, that wasn’t that big, it was a lot to manage though, to say the least, for me, okay? Yeah, I can imagine. And, and how does that show up or how did that show up in your life with that complexity? Yeah, it’s a good question. Yeah, I’m a Capricorn, so a Capricorn son, so I am an organizer, and I also had four outer children, so I would hear voices in my head, but I thought everybody had voices in their. Head right, well they probably do but not like I did. You know I’ve had screaming and crying and all kinds of you know don’t do this and I, I didn’t know what it was.
I just you know you live with it and then when I started realizing as the healing went on, if I didn’t listen to them because I started to communicate with them in therapy and stuff, if I didn’t listen, I sometimes had what was called body takeovers. And I would go in the background so there would be a tear right above my eyebrow, be like a multi-dimensional shift up front and another. And I Judy the host would go in the background and the part would come out and start talking, so I would be talking like I was a three-year-old or a six-year-old, or something like that, perhaps in some movies, but that’s really what happens. So, the only time I’ve experienced that was in Florida, actually, because we used to live in Suriname, South America, for a while, and I traveled my uncle and aunt and their daughters were living in Florida, Boca Raton, and we, my sister and I, for our 15th birthday, traveled on our own from Suriname, South America, to Florida.
And my uncle used to do hypnosis, and he hypnotized me, so I’m 15 years old, and he always remembered when I was a three-year-old, I was going around the garden in Amsterdam smelling the flowers and on one of the flowers there was a bee and I got a fright, I ran into the house crying like this, and he remembered this and so he hypnotized me to go back to that point as a three-year-old and my sister who witnessed it, my uncle obviously. And I could hear myself a little bit talking but I didn’t know my voice completely changed to a three-year-old, so that’s the only time I experienced that, so I know what you mean now okay, so that was an inner child regression, that’s what I call it.
I also was certified as a hypnotherapist, so right right yeah yeah, so your inner child showed up to tell you what happened. Yeah, yeah, that’s right, so, so you would have a three-year-old, a six-year-old, a 12-year-old, an 18-year-old, you would have multiples exactly and um actually for me um my parts look different than me like I would look in the mirror and I wouldn’t see me I would see a child with red hair and blue eyes and it’s like I don’t have blue eyes or red hair um and I would also they had names so that is dissociative identity disorder but there’s also DDNOS and they call it something different now but it’s not as separated in the identity like it might be a six-year-old or a five-year-old like you were talking about yeah I had different names.
I knew their voices, I knew who would come out and sometimes I didn’t have any control over it. So, um, my newer book that it’s in revision now, I share some stories in there plus I had a book out years ago about the integration of the id with stories of seven other women, so you know it goes into more detail about the processes of what happened for each person. Yeah, so do you think, uh, and I know I’ve interrupted your flow a little bit, but I’ve got to ask this question in case I forget it, and that is: Do you think that having, I’m not saying that you created it, but these characters, um, let’s call it the condition that happened was a way of Coping with the trauma that you had to deal with is that part of why that comes up or exists absolutely, it’s actually a brilliant coping mechanism because the child only has the choices of splitting psychosis or death so I think that’s pretty clever,
you know, yeah absolutely, because you, you, you’re effectively dissociating yourself from that body physically and psychologically who’s going through that trauma, you’re saying that’s not me, I’m I’m not that person that’s going through that trauma, that’s somebody else, that’s right, and they saved my life, those parts, those aspects saved my life until their jobs weren’t. needed anymore right and it was a process of self-love and self-acceptance, and when that happened, a god process occurred where they came in to my body, and that let me just say that this is the anniversary date like I said, and it was so traumatic for me, it took me months, I cried and cried and cried, I didn’t know how to, I didn’t know how to operate in the world as one person, so it was like you know, like trying to find my way around um in a whole nother way,
so do you think it was grief as well for the loss of those personalities or those individuals, yeah I loved him, yeah absolutely, I was their mom, you know, I can imagine, yeah um, I think I, I know That it was really hard on my other children, now really hard, and so um, you know there were things that would happen that made it very when I switched and it was like, ‘Where’s mom but they didn’t know what happened; they just knew mom wasn’t there, yeah, yeah. So, and you know I was so functional-I worked two jobs and raised four children and went through a horrible divorce, so to me, I had so much strength when I look back at what I went through; it’s just amazing to me still, yeah, yeah.
Okay, so when when that did you call it convergence? No, harmonic convergence? Yeah, harmonic convergence happened for you. Um, how old were you if you don’t mind? me asking well the harmonic convergence was in 1987 that was a huge planetary shift right remember that okay so that’s when everything came up for me okay well I don’t remember it because I wasn’t at that time in 87 I was not I might my awakening didn’t happen until 2000 2004 so it was a long way after that so I wouldn’t have been conscious that anything was changing um I know that I changed when I was like 44 then then that’s a good number I know I know yeah that’s when everything changed for me yeah okay so so 1987 is when the harmonic convergence happened for you and then how long did it take for you to fully integrate into who You are today, well that’s an interesting question.
The top 28 integrated in ’95, right? Okay, then. I like; I said define my way and I continued to have memories, but I had to feel the memories so it was a very different experience for me and these are repressed memories so still to this day I have repressed memories; still to this day, my body somaticizes and so it’s emotionally and physically difficult sometimes you know. Yes, I have to take a lot of self-care for myself um and I do; I um yeah so I want to I want to go back to another piece of the story yeah yeah so um when I was 19 my mother um committed suicide, so she finally after all the Years of attempting and it took me years of healing to be able to grieve and finally release the hatred that I felt towards her.
And this was um, so in the late 90s, I went through this four-hour healing process. Actually, to this day, I’m not sure what the person did, but all I know is, in that evening, I was writing, and I literally cried for hours in an awakening that occurred within me, and I experienced forgiveness to the depth of me. And all that heavy hatred that I felt towards her; it completely transformed into this deep love understanding of what happened for my mother. Like, I got it. Like, I got that what happened to me had happened. To her right, and there was this deep compassion that occurred and um, she started to come to me in spirit form and she would tell me more through my memories of what occurred to both of us, right.
And so it was such a deep, it’s even hard to talk about it now because it touches me so deeply, yes, I understand, yeah. Um, so, so the extreme abuse actually went on until even after I was married, which was when I was 20 years old and um, I had moved to California in a 1953 hippie school bus with two dogs, two cats, and uh, the furniture, and then I home birthed four children um, because I didn’t want to be near doctors, but I didn’t know why, yeah. Yeah, and, so I was very alternative in my approach to raising them. I didn’t use you know allopathic medicine and no TV. You and um, I kind of gathered herbs and um, garden and I baked bread and I canned foods and I you know cooked and studied and I practiced Jin Shin Jitsu which is like acupuncture without the needles, using your fingers.
And I was a dental hygienist and you know all of this. And you know, I realized, you know, I always went beyond my limits because I was trained that way, yes. So um, so my healing journey has been now about half my life. Um, I spent years in therapy and also working with alternative healing practitioners. So, if we’re coming near the end just let me know no, no, you’re good, you’re good; keep going, yeah, whatever that’s fine. Okay, um, and so, um, as a clinical therapist, I’ve been doing a lot of therapy and I’ve been doing a lot of, you know, I studied that too. Um, I would continue to do my inner journey work and um, you know, work with clients; then um, I decided to become more of like a trauma specialist.
I’m really good at connecting the dots, you know what’s going on in the world now? I actually, I have fun connecting it’s like second nature to me to put patterns together and it turns out, I’m usually right because you know, I kind of track things. That excuse me, that was an issue for me when I had uh the ID I couldn’t track well, so it was really important that I learned how to do that yeah. When you say ‘so’, ‘so’ explain a little bit more about when you say ‘you didn’t track well’ or ‘you enjoy tracking um because that’s a phrase I have a lot of times. I’ve learned how to do that because I’ve learned how to do that because I’ve come across and our listeners probably don’t know it either okay.
Well, it means that I… well there’s different modes of tracking so right now as we’re talking I’m we’re doing some active listening with each other you know feeding back and forth okay that’s True, that’s a form of tracking. Another track is um what comes up in different sources I see connecting patterns and I put them together and then that’s how I put my memories together so I could piece things together and then they came into a bigger picture of what was actually occurring. I couldn’t track that because I would be talking to you years ago and all of a sudden I would go, ‘What did I say and it would terrify me that I couldn’t understand where the conversation was right, right, right.
Okay, so it was part of the trauma responses of the lack of tracking and the lack of ability to communicate, um yeah. So when I got that back It was so exciting to me, okay. Thank you for that, yeah. That makes sense, yeah, of course. Because I-I see it almost like the picture that’s coming in my head; it’s understandable if there is so much trauma in your mind and body then what you’re saying you’re literally just saying it for what you you know because it’s almost that you do you-you’ve already programmed yourself that you don’t want to remember that moment. It’s almost kind of rubbing it out straight away, because of all the events that you’ve experienced where you would literally be I’m paraphrasing for my own understanding: You will be rubbing it out as if it didn’t happen it was actually um the brain in trauma responses takes it’s like a biological innate
ability to do that thank god our brains know how to protect us from that level of trauma so yeah the coping mechanisms that come from that like you said are going to need like if something feels too much i’m going to block it out yeah i’m going to go on another trajectory yeah and then there’s something called the process of being in a state of trauma and that makes it a little difficult uh for other people to communicate but that’s how i know when i’m talking to someone whether they also have dissociative coping mechanisms as well yes all being yes not taking away anything from the horrendous trauma that you’ve been through and And you have my deepest compassion for everything you’ve gone through.
And I’m so sorry you as a human on this planet has had to suffer that much. And at the same time now, you have managed to do a lot of healing and the healing continues. I totally get it. Because of your experience, you are a better empathetic healer than you would be otherwise, because you can recognize the traits in people. You can see what’s happening for them and how to help them. Is that right? Yeah. Absolutely. That empathy, that care, that compassion. It’s like, I get it. You know, I want to awaken other people to get it, to understand the pattern. So when they see people that are serial killers, killers and do horrific things, they will understand where it came from. It doesn’t come from nowhere.
That person had to be traumatized to act like that. And all of these patterns will be in my revised book that I’m almost finished editing. So I want to awaken people to bring their compassion. Sure, you can hate others. But guess what? When we hate others, our energy. Our energy connects to them, and I don’t want my, my power, my energy connected to someone who abused me. I want my power. And that’s why I believe in forgiveness. Yeah, I love that statement. It’s, and at the same time, I think you’re a hundred percent right there. You don’t want to give your energy to the abuser or to all these people that have done horrible things. And I have looked within myself of knowing of people who have been, maybe are still abusers.
And it is really, really hard to go into that space of forgiveness for those individuals, because all you want for them is to be punished and to be put in jail. And never to see the light of day. So we had a case in the UK recently where a policeman abused women for years without getting caught. Four years in the London Metropolitan Police. And he was sentenced the other day for 30 years in prison. And there were lots of comments that said, it’s not long enough. You know, he won’t come out of jail until he’s like in his eighties. People said it’s not long enough. He should die in prison. And I now have sympathy with that comment. And, you know, whether it’s men or women, it usually is men in terms of the kind of abuse.
Being a man myself. I, I say this often to my wife, who’s, who’s also had some experience, lived experience that sometimes I’ve, I embarrassed to be a man because of what men do towards women, children, other men. Yeah, it’s, it’s not nice at all. You know, thank you for sharing as a man, what, what your feelings are about it. You know, and I totally understand that outrage and the rage. I couldn’t have gone through what I’ve gone through and realized about the forgiveness. And unless I went through those stages, also of the rage and the outrage and the grief and the terror and all of that, you know, so I get it, but can we survive as, as a planet in hatred? Is that where we want to put our consciousness?
No. Okay. Yes. Those people need to be separated from society for sure. But there are other ways to handle that. You have to remember those men who did those things, where’d they get those behaviors? Yeah. That’s why my book explains this. They were little boys. And by the way, one in five women, not one in five women. Out of those who abused children, one fifth are women, just to say. And my mother was an abuser. Yeah. Was she abused? You bet she was. Yeah. Okay. So you can start to see that patterning. Do you see what I mean? Totally. Totally. The conditioned mind is responsible for a huge amount. And that conditioning happens to people and the trauma. And those, you know, personalities and the fact that she event, in the end, couldn’t live with herself, um, explains a lot.
Exactly. She couldn’t live with herself. And that’s why she tried when she was pregnant with me, when that memory first came up, I thought she was trying to kill me. I thought it was personal. Yeah. When I did it through creator. When I looked at. The truth of it, the highest truth of it. I realized that she did it to save both of us. She didn’t want me to go through what she had gone through. Yeah. And I cried so much in realizing the highest truth of that. So people have different levels of truth in which they understand things, you know, and, um, and I, like I said, totally understand people wanting to punish. Yeah.
But can we continue that without, you know, back in the seventies, they were trying to, um, do different kinds of reform of people in prison. And, and that went by the wayside. I say, start to bring that back and start to deal with those prisoners with waking up their inner child who was abused. Yes. That’s my thought. Well, yeah, a hundred percent because the energy of those thought processes, those feelings and everything will never be healed or transmuted. If there are so many human beings walking around the planet with these feelings and the energy of this, and all we will get is just repetition, repetition, repetition until we start healing each other. Yeah. And this is the time, Michael. So thank you for saying that, because this is it.
We are here now in the planetary shifting. Yeah. So those criminals will be brought to justice, and some of them have been brought to say okay. And we’re going to hear things on the world stage that are going to shock us. I already know this. But. Okay. So, but it’s kind of like the rest of humanity needs to wake up to know what’s really been going on because we’ve been in a spiritual war and all of this is going to be brought forward and it already is now, you know, things that happen on those laptops. That’s what happened to me, but I wasn’t on those laptops. Okay. No. Just to say. So. I think we’re in a time where it’s already in public view. If the public is awake to it.
So I’m just kind of excited. I really am. I’m very excited as an intuitive and having visions for years of what we’re actually moving into. And I want people to get excited. I really do. I want people to know that even though it’s going to look chaotic, because when a woman gives birth, you know, it’s not just. Know it’s really crazy during the pushing and the shoving, you know, having done four children and so then you get the Cracker Jack surprise, you know. So I feel that we are going through some severe birthing pains right now until we shift into that Aquarian age and I think March is going to be very eye-opening just to say.
Well, thank you for that and I will definitely be looking out for that and keeping in touch with everything that’s going on and it’s interesting what you say because for years now my wife and I have been kind of observing from a distance, not from a distance, we’re in the middle of it all but sometimes you kind of go in the helicopter and look down and look at the chaos and go, ‘look at all the chaos that’s going on around us,’ you know, without getting completely involved, of course. You can’t fully not be in the midst of it because you’re a human and you have to live your life and but it almost does seem like, you know, the pandemic we went through, all sorts of other things that have happened since, you’re kind of thinking, ‘where is this leading to?’ There’s something meaningful going on, but we can’t quite put our finger on it.
So, yeah, we’ve become observers. So I look, I kind of look forward to observing more about what’s going to transpire over the coming months and years, for sure. Yeah, I really, oh, go ahead. No, no, go for it, sorry. I was just going to say, I just would invite you to continue that overview and start connecting the dots. It’s so obvious right now, I’d laugh every day. I know that sounds funny, but, and I’m not trying to minimize and I’m not a bypasser; like I get what’s going on. But I see those patterns connecting and I see, I see some real. So huge comedy in the clues that are being given to humanity. Right. In this wake up. Yeah. Very good point.
So all of the journey that you’ve been on, you’ve obviously, you’re writing a book right now, but you’ve written a book previously too, is that correct? Actually, I’ve written two books. Two books, right. And your third one is in revision or in editing right now. It’s in editing and it’s actually three books. Because. It was 900 pages. So I couldn’t do it in one book. Oh, my word. That’s amazing. So, and then the work that you’re doing today, could you give, get us right up to date with what it is that you do for people? So I started my journey into Theta Healing back in 98. The year prior, my guides told me that I was going to meet someone. I was going to meet someone from my next step.
And then I met this medical intuitive. Named Vianna Stiebel. She came to my area. I was the first person to continue in California with Theta Healing. It’s now called Theta Healing Technique. Vianna healed herself of terminal cancer or creator healed her. I should say of terminal cancer in less than 30 seconds. And so she went on to teach more techniques. And it’s become a worldwide movement where just about in every country, except Antarctica. So we, we work with a connection to the divine source of all that unconditional love and people call it God or Source or Creator, whatever you call it. And we have a meditation to help us remember, because we’re all connected to that energy. We are never separated. We are never separated.
We have so many beliefs that tell us that it’s separate from us. So we work with beliefs. We work with healing techniques and connection. We can see inside the body. We call it remote sensing. We can remote view, but it’s, it’s sacredly done. We have quantum level techniques because everything is atoms and how we think about the formation of those atoms is through our belief systems. And so we can change that I’ve watched tumors disappear in one hour, literally. And with the doctor verification, how is that possible? Because I changed enough of my beliefs to witness for somebody else? Does everybody change that fast? No, because they haven’t beliefs too. So, we work through those so that we can see how it serves them. What, what is it doing for them to hold their paradigm?
In a certain way. So I have developed my trauma techniques through this method in order to expedite the healing, in order to work with the inner child, in order to be able to also calm the body down after a session, because it often somaticizes, and to make sure that my clients walk out with calm and emotional stability. So all of that is really important to me. And from 25 years of working as a Theta Healer, I put together these patterns and these understandings and awareness to make it easier for those who are Theta Healing practitioners and to allow the general public to know what we’re doing. And, you know, to let them know about this beautiful love-based healing art. Wow, sounds incredible. And do you do this in person?
You have to have the physical body with you or you do this remotely as well? Well, healings can be just sent generally. It doesn’t need to be in person at all. Okay. And we do that a lot. I mean, I’ve had like 50 people send me unconditional love and I feel it. It feels lovely. And remind me afterwards, Michael, I’d be, you know, grateful to let you experience that. And so, and then we’re talking about the remote, the remote. Yeah, we can. I do my sessions through Zoom. Right. I used to do them in person. Okay. So it can be done either, either way. I prefer because most of my clients have trauma, childhood abuse. And so I prefer to also see them though. I am clairaudient.
I like to see so I can pace them, how they are moving through, you know, their faces, how they’re changing their breath, stuff like that. So I can make sure I don’t overwhelm them. Got it. Got it. Right, right, right. Got it. And you’ve been doing it for a long time. I mean, I didn’t hear about theta healing technique. Well, probably in the late noughties, probably. And I’ve never had it, never experienced it before. I’ve never met a practitioner before. So you’re my first practitioner that I’ve, that I’ve met. And so thank you very much. And thank you very much. Thank you for sharing about that. And is there anything else that you do for people? Well, you know, it’s interesting.
I’m kind of moving away from one-to-ones because I also am a founding member of the Moving Beyond Trauma Project. So that’s a non-profit. And we, we gather together so that we can educate people. And as we raise our funding and stuff, our feeling is that we want to connect with other agencies and non-profits to create centers for those who have been abused and let this be free. You have no idea how, when there’s extreme trauma, how it affects the money issues because the place where it’s located, the hips and sexual, you know, chakra where, you know, abuse occurs also is where money issues land. So it affects our energy. And I want, I want those people, I struggled years ago to pay for therapies for myself. I don’t want people to go through that.
No. Amazing. Well, that’s wonderful. So is there anything that I haven’t asked that you would have liked to have shared, Judy? Apart from, I’m going to ask you in a minute to share how people can get in touch with you, but anything general that you would have liked to have shared? Not really. Other than to say, it just, it just came up this week, which I was pretty excited about just as verification of things changing on the planet. In the United States, there was a whistleblower. Her name was Tara Rodas and she, through Project Veritas, which is a non-profit journalism organization, has that the U. S. Congress is considering having a conversation with the U. S. Congress on the U. S. Congress on the U.S. Congress.
Congress hearings to make known about government-sponsored taxpayer funding child trafficking and what’s going on. I’m like, oh my God, what a time to be alive, you know, to see this happen. So another thing for me that I get excited about, but I just want to say that I feel that our future generations will look back at this time. And go, wow, wow, what an epic experience that occurred at that time. And so thank you for, you know, having me here and I get to talk about this. Well, I really appreciate you talking about it. And yeah, make sure that the message gets heard loud and clear. How can people get in touch with you, Judy? They can go to my website, which is The Flow of Healing.
Com or the non-profits, which is probably my preference. And that is the movingbeyondtraumaproject. org. The movingbeyondtraumaproject. org. Great. Okay. So I’ll make sure those are in the show notes so people can get in touch with you. Find out more about the program. And I’ll see you next time. Yeah. More about your work. Get updates about your upcoming book. When do you think your new book might be launched? Oh, gosh, my prayer. My prayer is by April 1st. But okay. Because it’s in editing phases. And you know, if you’ve ever written a book or anything, oh, gosh, editing, you finally have to let the baby go. Yes. Yes. So that’s more. And remember, this is like three books that I’m editing. Yeah. Wow. Incredible. Well, I wish you massive success with your book and the editing.
It will all be worth it. I’m absolutely confident. And thank you so much for highlighting the issues around this. Thank you for sharing your story about it all, for being so brave. And I really appreciate it. Thank you. Thank you a lot. Okay, Judy. Well, please keep in touch. Please let me know when the book’s out. Because I’ll revisit the show notes and I’ll add it, make sure to add it on for anybody who might be passing by. Great. Thank you. Thank you, Judy. Take care. Bye for now. Bye-bye. If you’ve enjoyed this podcast, please rate, subscribe and share at will. Always looking for more listeners and guests. So do get in touch, please. You can find me pretty easily by searching for Staying Alive UK. Thank you. Staying Alive UK. Share your story.
This workbook is a compilation of almost twenty-five years of working professionally with people who have been physically and sexually abused as children. They have taught me about the courage and the resiliency of the human body and spirit through the darkest of the dark. Our souls learn and/or bring forth healing to ourselves and to others in some dramatic ways. Healing from trauma is not only completely possible, but a true reality through Creator-of-All. You might not find this statement in conventional psychological textbooks, but I know it to be true. It is my own personal experience and in witnessing with others.
For several years now, friends in the ThetaHealing® community have asked me to write down how I work with my clients who have been abused. I kept saying that it’s too much to empty my brain with all that I’ve experienced in this field. I didn’t have time because I was writing two other books, teaching workshops, working privately with clients, and dancing on a salsa team. I wanted to make sure there was a time to sleep.
After teaching an Advance workshop in June ’09, as so much abuse memories had surfaced for the participants, I decided to give the class some quick ways to be present and work with other students. When the class was over, those who were interested could stay and take notes. It was only a half of a page.
Afterwards, I decided to type what I had jotted down and out came this flowing stream of information. For most part of July, I stayed up to 3 AM writing to my heart’s content. It was so peaceful and relaxing to just let this information and inspiration finally take form. My shoulders didn’t even get tight from being at the computer for hours. I just felt so blessed that my fingers can type fast and that I have a Capricornian organizational mind because the end result truly surprised me. Writing, for me, is like digging on beliefs… you don’t know where it’s all going to go, but you somehow trust you’re guided, and there is a completion that will make a shift in consciousness whether it be mine or someone else’s.
I want to thank Creator-of-All for the inspiration and healing IT continues to make available to me. To Vianna for giving me a most precious gift, in taking me “up” to remember my connection to Creator-of-All and teaching me ThetaHealing®. To Sidnee Cox, Eric Brumett, Beth Rachel, and Jane Pritchard for their loving support and listening ears. And to all my clients whose courage and amazing strength to heal continue to inspire me–my deepest gratitude for sharing the depth of your lives with me.
This workbook is geared toward assisting ThetaHealing® practitioners to work with clients who have trauma due to sexual and/or physical abuse using educational and practical techniques connected to Creator-of-All.
I realize that psychological and emotional abuse can create enormous devastation. I feel that the regular ThetaHealing® courses give plenty of support in working with emotional trauma. I have grouped psychological abuse under physical abuse, though I won’t be covering it specifically. There will also be several other kinds of abuse mentioned later, though they too will not be covered at this time.
Due to the vastness of the field of abuse, I will only briefly go over the types of physical and sexual abuse, physiological issues, signs of abuse, types of memories, how memories are repressed, False Memory Foundation, techniques in healing that can be Creator directed, forgiveness, moving beyond, and your responsibility as a minister/ ThetaHealer® in reporting abuse. My purpose is really to give some easy guidelines to help you be the best facilitator possible when digging and trauma presents itself, is discovered, or you feel the client is ready to deal with the abuse that you “see” intuitively.
In being part of the Theta community since 1998, I have not only seen but have had others tell me of their experiences with teachers, practitioners, and students who were unable to help them when deep sexual or physical abuse issues surfaced during a session or class. I have also personally experienced other practitioners being unable to hold a safe and supportive “container” to process memories or find the beliefs below the memories. Clients have been abandoned mid-session in tears, told that what they were experiencing wasn’t true or a past life (when it was from their childhood) or left dissociated and ungrounded. I am not sharing this to make others wrong. We, as ThetaHealers®, need to be educated and emotionally prepared for whatever issues surface during a session. We are responsible for clearing our own issues so we can stay fully present for others.
Theta teachers have reported their fears of working with students or clients who have deep-seated trauma. “What do I do?” “Where do I go with this?” As with any part of ThetaHealing®, whether it be “seeing” a disease you’ve never witnessed before or identifying an organ psychically, having a context for what you have witnessed through Creator-of-All can make all the difference.
It is my sincerest desire to empower the ThetaHealing® community in being fully present to release fears in working with clients (or yourself) with childhood abuse issues, and to help the community be informed so we can step into sessions with supportive skills and confidence.
I realize that many practitioners want to limit the type of clientele that they work with, but considering that 1 in 3 women and 1 in 5 men have been sexually abused under the age of 181 , and there are 1.7 million reports of child abuse each year [the number of reported cases is small compared with the number of actual cases]2, your chances of no one coming in with these issues are slim.
For teachers, look around your classroom and realize that quite a few people have been abused and may not know it. Do you realize that over 95% of people in Alcoholics Anonymous, Overeaters Anonymous or Debtors Anonymous (those with addictions) have been abused?3 Sexual and physical abuse affects every area of our lives whether it happened to us or to another. You can see that the world has a great deal of healing to clear and each one of us can help be part of that transformation in the highest and best way if we choose.
Trauma and abuse can start not only in the womb but in memories from other lifetimes that are stored in the body. I’m sure many of you have experienced the healing of “past life” memories that got stuck in the body and in the consciousness. But trauma that is repressed in this lifetime gets confused with being a past life experience quite often. Vianna has said that people find it easier to go to a past life than wanting to deal with what happened in this lifetime.
My focus, though, is to share techniques that will help those who have either conscious or repressed trauma from this lifetime to release memories and feelings to the surface, and clear completely. This entails helping the client feel safe enough to deal with the trauma whether cognizant of it or not.
I realize that there are many schools of thought about this process. There are researchers, therapists and Theta practitioners who feel that memories of past incidences of abuse are insignificant in helping a person be present and should just be by-passed. This is similar to what one may often hear in a dysfunction family, “Get on with your life!” I beg to differ in saying that avoidance is not a good way to heal. Practitioners as well as clients are afraid to go deep. I have heard Theta Teachers say “You are just stuck in mind candy.” This statement is not going to give a safe place for revealing the client’s history and release the memories and beliefs. Would a practitioner say this to a person who is dying from cancer? Trauma and abuse is indeed part of the earthly paradigm in time and space. Vianna has repeatedly shared that if a client doesn’t want to look at the past and only at the present, there are issues in the past.
Some feel that remembering past traumatic incidences will put the person in trauma again. This could happen if not properly facilitated. For the practitioners who witness another’s traumatic memories, it is also possible for them to experience secondary Post Traumatic Syndrome4 if they are ungrounded in being a witness to the client’s history. Your strong connection to Creator-of-All and clearing your own issues will make you a superb facilitator.
There are groups of scientists and researchers who feel traumatic memories should be eliminated chemically. In fact, there are pills and brainwashing techniques to do just this.5 6 I’m in deep gratitude for those who have spoken against such means because it is already being misused covertly. If you have ever seen the movie ‘Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind”, realize that this kind of technology does exist and is used for purposes of memory erasing and mind control.7
There are a few who feel that every traumatic memory we’ve ever had has to be processed. This perception will keep a client having a life of stress with little hope for creating something better. Again, I say that it depends on how this process of remembering and healing is facilitated that will affect the client in the highest and best way. I am a proponent of remembering what the Spirit/Soul feels it’s to release. I feel that there is a timing of one’s process and the information will release to remember in its proper timing and sequence. Healing from deep seated trauma is a God Process meaning that one’s willingness with Creator leads the way.
The Ego, though, can easily sabotage or block the remembering to continue the illusion of a false reality which appears to feel safe. Vianna once said that forgetting takes more energy than to remember. Can you imagine what happens to the body in repressing trauma? Can you imagine a pressure cooker of energy? Are you aware that many of the immune suppression diseases can be linked to childhood abuse?8
Truth is not difficult to remember, or witness in healing if we stay connected to Creator-of-All. It’s denial, projection and internalization (self blame) that creates havoc.
Beliefs to Clear 需要清理的信念 (由Pei潤飾)
Beliefs to test/dig/clear for ThetaHealing® teachers and practitioners that might have fears of working with clients who were physically or sexually abused.
◊ I fear working with physical abuse issues in others.
◊ I fear guiding clients to physical abuse memories that are unknown.
◊ I fear working with sexual abuse issues in others .
◊ I fear guiding clients to sexual abuse memories that are unknown.
◊ I fear working on issues that may be buried within myself around sexual abuse…physical abuse.
◊ It’s easier to forget than to remember. ◊ I will be hurt if I work with clients who have been abused.
◊ Clients who have been abused are damaged (we are to see their wholeness).
◊ The effects of physical abuse are impossible to completely heal.
◊ The effects of sexual abuse are impossible to completely heal.
◊ Physical abuse has to take a long time to heal.
◊ Physical abuse takes a long time to heal.
◊ Sexual abuse has to take a long time to heal.
◊ Sexual abuse takes a long time to heal.
◊ It’s my client’s fault that they were abused.
◊ Physical abuse cleanses humanity (males, females) of their sins.
◊ Sexual abuse cleanses humanity (males, females) of their sins.
◊ Creator is absent (for others/for me) when abuse occurs.
◊ Creator abandons others/me, when trauma/abuse occurs.
◊ 我害怕處理他人的身體虐待議題。
◊ 我害怕引導個案回想未知的身體虐待記憶。
◊ 我害怕處理他人的性虐待議題。
◊ 我害怕引導個案回想未知的性虐待記憶。
◊ 我害怕處理可能埋藏在我內心的性虐待…身體虐待議題。
以技術面來說 我的想法是 這會不會讓潛意識不容易判斷而讓測試結果反映不出真實情況? 例如也許有的人只有其中一種虐待議題 也許這條信念會測出「是」 但會不會以為自己該不會也有另一種虐待議題? 又或者潛意識認為自己沒有另一種虐待議題 所以測出「否」,而讓表意識略過了其實有一種虐待議體的事實? 我覺得測試的時候 是不是可以把這一條 拆分成兩條?
例如1. 我害怕處理可能埋藏在我內心的性虐待議題
2. 我害怕處理可能埋藏在我內心的身體虐待議題
以情感面來說 這畢竟是很沉重的議題 需要很大的勇氣去探索 & 承擔探索後的身心效應 我想 不一定需要逼自己去分開測
假如以原文句構的方式去測 即使有我上述說的反映不出真實情況的測試結果
也可以當作一個緩衝 真相總會在一個人真正做好準備時浮現
即使它永不浮現 也可能是最好的安排
◊ 忘記比記住更容易。
◊ 如果我與遭受虐待的個案合作,我會受到傷害。
◊ 受到虐待的個案,身心是受損的狀態,而我們需要看得到他們的完整性。
◊ 不可能完全療癒好身體虐待帶來的影響。
◊ 不可能完全療癒好性虐待帶來的影響。
◊ 身體虐待的創傷,一定得花很長的時間才能療癒好。
◊ 身體虐待的創傷要很長的時間才能療癒好。
◊ 性虐待的創傷,一定得花很長的時間才能療癒好。
◊ 性虐待的創傷要很長的時間才能療癒好。
◊ 我的個案之所以受到虐待,是他/她自己的錯。
◊ 身體虐待可以淨化人類(男性、女性)的罪。
◊ 性虐待可以淨化人類(男性、女性)的罪。
◊ 當虐待行為發生時,無論是對其他人或對我而言,造物主並未與我同在。
◊ 當創傷/虐待事件發生時,造物主拋棄了他人/我。
Teachings for ThetaHealing® Teachers and Practitioners
Teachings for ThetaHealing® Teachers and Practitioners
(through Creator’s perspective, understanding and/or definition)
[in all cases, w/ means “with” and w/o means “without”]
◊ I know what it feels like and how to be safe in working with people who have been physically abused/sexually abused.
◊ I know when I am safe to work with people who have been physical abused/sexually abused.
◊ I know what it feels like, how to, and when to hold a safe space for others to reveal physical abuse memories/sexual abuse memories.
◊ I know what it feels like and how to be safe when others reveal physical abuse memories/sexual abuse memories.
◊ I know how to listen to one who has been physically abused/sexually abused, without feeling traumatized.
◊ I know what it feels like and how to feel confident in being present while staying connected to Creator with clients who have been physically abused/sexually abused.
◊ I know what it feels like and how to live w/o secondary PTSD.
◊ I know what it feels like and how to be emotionally prepared to work with physically abused clients, with sexually abused clients.
◊ I know how to work with people who have been physically or sexually abused w/o anxiety, without fear.
◊ I understand that Creator-of-All orchestrates and is present for every session I do with a client
◊ 我知道與遭受過身體虐待/性虐待的人合作是什麼樣的感覺,我也知道讓自己安心合作的方式。
◊ 我知道自己在什麼時間點下,可以安心/安全地與遭受身體虐待/性虐待的人合作。
◊ 我知道為他人提供一個安全的空間來揭露身體虐待記憶/性虐待記憶是什麼感覺,也知道提供此空間的方法以及合適的時間點。
◊ 我知道聽得出其他人在透露身體虐待記憶/性虐待記憶是什麼感覺,也知道聽到之後,讓自己安定的方式。
◊ 我知道如何傾聽遭受身體虐待/性虐待的人,而不會因為聽完了之後,自己反而難以承受而受創。
◊ 我知道在幫遭受身體虐待/性虐待的客戶施作療癒時,能自信地安住當下並與造物主保持連結是什麼感覺,也知道如何自信地維持這樣的狀態。
◊ 我知道「不會因為傾聽和療癒個案後,讓自己產生次級創傷後壓力症候群」是什麼感覺,我也知道如何抽離而不受影響。
◊ 我知道讓自己的情緒做好準備,來與遭受身體虐待和性虐待的客戶合作是什麼感覺,也知道做好準備的方法。
◊ 我知道如何在沒有焦慮、沒有恐懼的狀態下,與遭受身體虐待或性虐待的人合作。
◊ 我了解「一切萬有造物主」自有安排,在我每一次療癒個案的時候,都會與我同在。