

Types of Physical and Sexual Abuse 

A s I mentioned in the introduction, abuse covers an enormous field. For general information, I have categorized the acts of abuse, both physically and sexually, below. You are welcome to add more. Many of the actions are found in both categories particularly in ritual, government, and alien abuse. These realities do exist on this 3rd Plane of Existence and have been mentioned by Vianna during lectures as well. I have worked with clients who have experienced such abuse and trauma. As ThetaHealers®, we cannot be blind to Creator’s Truth. And you certainly have a choice to work with these kinds of clients or not. Education and applicable tools assist you to expand your paradigms as Creator’s practitioners. 

I consider neglect under physical abuse though it is often categorized by itself…that would seem par-for-the-course in being left alone.9 

Remember that abuse/trauma can occur anywhere, from the home to battlefields. 

Physical Abuse:

  • Being hit, spanked, punched, beat, battered 
  • Hung by feet or arms/hands 
  • Stepped on or kicked 
  • Pulled by hair
  • Tickled excessively
  • Shaken, thrown, choked 
  • Cut, bitten 
  • Burned 
  • Neglect 
  • Starvation 
  • Torture variations- Water submersion, electro-shock, put in ice or scalding water, sleep deprivation, psychic driving (page 103), body mutilation, etc. 
  • Psychological (kidnapping, war, terrorism, hostage, ritual and government mind control/brainwashing) 
  • Government experimentation (such as injection of diseases and toxins, Manchurian candidates/assassination mind control programming, manipulations of DNA, cloning, remote viewing, spying, virtual reality, and teleportation) 
  • Alien Experimentation—(exploratory, non-medical implantation, rape, egg harvesting, hybriding, DNA changes)

Sexual Abuse: 

  • Verbal sexual innuendos and harrassment 
  • Inappropriate touching: fondling, licking of genitals, mouth, ears, breasts of children 
  • Genital exposure; forced masturbation 
  • Digital (hand/finger) penetration 
  • Oral, genital, or anal rape 
  • Vaginal/genital mutilation and circumcision 
  • Making children read pornographic material or performing in pornographic movies/snuff films 
  • Involvement in prostitution/child sex slavery 
  • Forced bestiality 
  • Ritual abuse (including Satanism and Black Witchcraft—invocation of demonic entities, rape, torture, mutilation, sexual slavery, murder, sacrifice, and mind control programming)



Understanding Abuse from a Brain & Physiological Level 

Childhood abuse can have lasting effects on the entire brain and body if not healed. High-stress early environments for children create problems in attention regulation and self-control which often causes hyperactivity, anxiety, and/or difficulties with inhibiting destructive impulses. 

The interaction between our environment and the DNA plays a crucial role in determining our resistance to stress thus the risk for suicide. The function of the DNA is not fixed like once theorized. Epigenetic marks, the study of how a person’s genes are constantly remodeled in response to life experiences (the more positive experiences you have, the stronger your genes will become) are the product of this interaction.10 

A research study from Douglas Mental Health University Institute found a gene, NR3CI, which influences the brain’s susceptibility to stress hormones. It was less likely to be activated in people who have been abused. Those who have been abused had lower levels of expression in the gene for the glucocorticoid (cortisol) receptor, which is critical for the stress response pathway. This kind of gene expression, in adaptation to trauma especially early in life, becomes a “state of mind, brain, and body” around which subsequent experiences organize.11 On a spiritual level, this is an exemplary explanation of how we arrange our realities from our experiences. This is not to blame those who have been abused but allow the practitioner the understanding of the spiritual perceptions in reality patterning. 

Children who are abused early are flooded with stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol, impacting on how the brain develops and affects the stress regulation system. In being flooded with fightor-flight hormones, fear is maintained and can become pathological.12 This in turn puts impact on the hippocampus, the area which controls feelings, meaning that adults abused as children will be more likely to be highly stressed, have difficulties with anger and emotions, and be prone to self-harm, anxiety, suicide and depression.13 Have you ever considered that such disorders as some cases of OCD, Bi-polar, Schizophrenia, Borderline schizophrenia, and all Dissociative Disorders might originate from abuse?14 15 

There is a decrease of cortex activity and an increase of limbic system sensitivity (responsible for emotions), decreased hippocampal volume (memory function is impaired…related to psychiatric disorders like PTSD and depression), impact on the left and right hemisphere, underdevelopment of left brain (control of language), a smaller corpus callosum (less integration of the hemispheres which can lead to dramatic shifts in mood or personality), and neuro-endocrine alterations (affects a range of basic psychological and physiological functions).16 

Research shows adults with histories of child abuse can respond to minor triggers with a range of catastrophic reactions. This is because these people become increasingly responsive to relatively minor stimuli as a result of decreased frontal lobe functioning (learning and problem solving) and increased limbic system (amygdala) sensitivity (impulsiveness).17 

Yale Child Study Center found that the brain areas in abused children have fewer synapses or neural connections.18 There can also be a decreased production of thyroid hormone which regulates metabolism.




我們的環境和 DNA 之間的相互作用在決定我們對壓力的抵抗力以及自殺風險方面發揮著至關重要的作用。 DNA 的功能並不像曾經理論上的那樣固定。表觀遺傳標記是這種交互作用的產物,它研究一個人的基因如何根據生活經驗不斷重塑(你擁有的正面經驗越多,你的基因就會變得越強大)。10

道格拉斯心理健康大學研究所的一項研究發現了一種基因 NR3CI,它會影響大腦對壓力激素的敏感性。它在遭受虐待的人身上被激活的可能性較小。那些遭受虐待的人類糖皮質激素(皮質醇)受體基因的表達水平較低,而這對於壓力反應途徑至關重要。這種基因表現在適應創傷(尤其是在生命早期)時,成為一種“精神、大腦和身體的狀態”,隨後的經歷圍繞著它組織起來。在靈性層面上,這是我們如何根據經驗安排現實的典範解釋。這並不是責怪那些被虐待的人,而是讓修行者了解現實模式中的精神感知。

早期受到虐待的兒童體內會充滿腎上腺素和皮質醇等壓力荷爾蒙,影響大腦的發展和壓力調節系統。在充滿“戰或逃”激素的情況下,恐懼會持續存在並可能變得病態。12 這反過來又會對海馬體(控制情緒的區域)產生影響,這意味著小時候受到虐待的成年人更有呈現高壓狀態,憤怒和情緒困難,並且容易自殘、焦慮、自殺和憂鬱。13 您是否曾經考慮過某些疾病,例如強迫症、雙向情緒障礙、精神分裂症、邊緣性精神分裂症和所有解離性障礙可能源於虐待?14 15



耶魯兒童研究中心發現,受虐兒童的大腦區域的突觸或神經連結較少。18 調節新陳代謝的甲狀腺激素的產生也可能減少。


資料來源Reference (10-18)

(10) Childhood trauma has life-long effect on genes and the brain: http://www.physorg.com/news154627743.html 
(11) Cozolino, 2002 
(12) Giarratano, 2004b 
(13) Meaney, 2009 
(14) The British Journal of Psychiatry (2005) 186: 121-125 Impact of childhood abuse on the clinical course of bipolar disorder: http://cat.inist.fr/?aModele=afficheN&cpsidt=16472849 (連結失效,此為論文內容: 
方法:對一個治療雙相情感障礙的學術專業中心的 100 名患者樣本進行了回顧性評估和檢查,並根據疾病的複雜性進行了兒童虐待的盛行率。
結論:大約一半的雙極性情感障礙患者似乎發生嚴重的童年創傷,並可能導致更複雜的精神病理表現。https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15684234/ )

(15) Hammersley, P., Read. J. (2006). Child abuse can cause schizophrenia. Press release University of Manchester.: http://www.eurekalert. org/pub_releases/2006-06/uom-mat061306.php
曼徹斯特大學研究員保羅·哈默斯利 (Paul Hammersley) 將於 2006 年 6 月 14 日在倫敦和馬德里舉行的兩次國際會議上表示,虐待兒童可能導致精神分裂症。這個由紐西蘭臨床心理學家約翰·里德博士共同提出的開創性且極具爭議的理論被描述為“一場地震”,它將從根本上改變精神病學行業。https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2006/06/060614120625.htm)

(16 & 17) Impact on the Physiology of the Brain: http://www.asca. org.au/displaycommon.cfm?an=1&subarticlenbr=194

(18) How to build a baby’s brain: http://www.newsweek.com/ id/95363/page/2


The Impact of Neglect and Trauma on the Developing Brain:
How Nurture Becomes Nature
At the Developmental Traumatology Laboratory at Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinics in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, researchers are conducting studies in traumatized children using the most up-to-date methods to study their stress circuits and brain development. In a recent report, they described their findings on maltreated children with PTSD who they compared to healthy, normal children and to children with clinical anxiety disorders who had not been maltreated. Many of the maltreated children had been sexually abused beginning between the ages of 18 months and 7 years. They had also witnessed domestic violence beginning early in life, and some had been battered by family members. For most of the children with PTSD, the trauma was chronic, lasting for several years before the children were rescued.

Unlike non-maltreated comparison children, the children with PTSD had elevated levels of the stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol, even on a normal day when nothing especially stressful was happening (DeBellis, Baum, et al., 1999). Thus, these children’s stress systems seemed to be turned on even when they didn’t need to be. Especially high stress hormone levels were found among the children who had been abused for longer and/or had more severe PTSD. Very similar results have been found for children rescued from Romanian orphanages, even though for the most part these children had been severely neglected rather than
physically or sexually abused.

The Pittsburgh group also scanned the brains of maltreated children with PTSD. Even after they accounted for many things that could produce mistaken results, they found striking evidence of smaller brain volumes, with larger effects the earlier the abuse began and the longer it lasted before the children were rescued (De Bellis, Keshaven, et al., 1999).

Similar results have been found at the CIVITAS Child Trauma Programs at Baylor College of Medicine. Did the abuse cause the brains of these children to be smaller? We can’t be certain. Would the brains of abused children who did not develop chronic PTSD also show some reduction in size? We don’t know. But these data and other studies currently underway certainly encourage concern about the impact that maltreatment may have on the child’s developing nervous system.

在賓州匹茲堡西方精神病學研究所和診所的發展創傷學實驗室,研究人員正在使用最新的方法對受創傷的兒童進行研究,以研究他們的壓力迴路和大腦發展。在最近的一份報告中,他們描述了對患有創傷後壓力症候群(PTSD)的受虐兒童的研究結果,並將這些兒童與健康、正常的兒童以及未受虐待的臨床焦慮症的兒童進行了比較。許多受虐待的兒童在 18 個月至 7 歲之間就遭受性虐待。他們也目睹了從小就開始的家庭暴力,有些人還遭到家人的毆打。對於大多數患有創傷後壓力症候群的兒童來說,創傷是慢性的,在兒童獲救之前持續了數年。

與未受虐待的對照兒童不同,患有創傷後壓力症候群的兒童的壓力荷爾蒙腎上腺素和皮質醇水平升高,即使在沒有發生特別壓力的正常日子裡也是如此(DeBellis, Baum, et al ., 1999)。因此,這些孩子的壓力系統似乎在不需要的時候就被打開了。在遭受虐待時間較長和/或患有更嚴重創傷後壓力症候群的兒童中,壓力荷爾蒙水平尤其高。從羅馬尼亞孤兒院獲救的兒童也發現了非常相似的結果,儘管這些兒童大部分都受到嚴重忽視,而不是被忽視。

匹茲堡小組還掃描了遭受虐待的創傷後壓力症候群(PTSD)兒童的大腦。即使他們考慮了許多可能產生錯誤結果的因素,他們仍然發現了令人震驚的證據,表明大腦體積較小,虐待開始越早,孩子獲救前持續的時間越長,影響就越大(De Bellis、 Keshaven 等人,1999 年)。

貝勒醫學院的 CIVITAS 兒童創傷計畫也發現了類似的結果。虐待是否導致這些孩子的大腦變小?我們不能確定。沒有患有慢性創傷後壓力症候群的受虐兒童的大腦也會出現一些縮小嗎?我們不知道。但這些數據和目前正在進行的其他研究無疑引發了人們對虐待可能對兒童發育中的神經系統產生的影響的擔憂。

1. 虐待對兒童的影響:身體、腦神經、心理
2. 受虐兒的腦傷害永難




Signs of Childhood Abuse in Adults 

Outward signs of adults with symptoms of childhood abuse can vary. Some adults become overachievers and appear extremely successful in the world. Others end up on the street, homeless or in mental or penal institutions. People cope the best way they can given their connection to their inner strength and their soul journey. All through this stream of awareness, choices are given to each of us in how to change life patterns to help evolve in more fulfilling ways. As practitioners, we are not here to judge the conditions or journey in any way. 

Your connection with Creator-of-All and scanning the body will reveal a great deal (look at the patterning in the colon and brain around abuse). Listening to the client describe their life and their relationship with their family leads to ways in identifying possible patterns of abuse. One symptom does not mean a person was abused physically or sexually. Check in with Creator. 

Compared with people without a history of childhood abuse, adults with such a history are more likely to have: no or little memories of childhood, “spliced memories” of childhood (i.e. remembering going to a store and leaving but not remembering what happened while there), out-of-body experience to escape; substance abuse or a partner with a substance abuse problem; anxiety disorders; depression; OCD; suicidal ideation or behavior; unintended pregnancy; selfinjury; abuse their own children or refuse to properly discipline their children; dissociative disorders; schizophrenia; aberrant behaviors; eating disorders; sleep disorders; sexual dysfunction or promiscuity; lack of pain sensation; chronic head, face or pelvic pain; musculoskeletal complaints; gastrointestinal distress or symptoms; asthma or other respiratory ailments; weight and self-image issues; pseudoneurologic symptoms (dizziness, etc.). 19 

Keep in mind that if clients come in with scarcity or financial issues, abundance flows best when the first and second chakras are open. This means that if a person has been physically or sexually abused or the body or energy registers that way in those chakras, negative programs will need to be cleared so the abundance can once again come into balance. 

Lori Kondora, a nurse who interviewed adult women who had been sexually abused as children, found that while many women experienced low self-esteem, depression, addictive behaviors, anxiety, pain and eating disorders, some women also experienced resilience, independence, creativity, a deeper spirituality, and personal strength. Remembering was central to the beginning of the healing process and telling their stories to others enhanced that process.20


Witnessing Trauma can be Traumatic 

A client can witness trauma when he or she was young. There are different effects in how the child unconsciously copes with such situations. This is why it is so important to keep children away from violent TV, movies and video games. The process of desensitization can start early, and the child can have difficulty growing up connected to their feelings. 

Coping strategies: 

  1. They might take the situation on energetically as if it happened to them. There is a dissociation or confusion in who it was happening to physically.


◊ I know how to tell the difference between what happened and the energy I took on from the occurrence. 

◊ I know the difference between what happened in my childhood and who it happened to. 

  1. In believing that they have to protect another, though it may not have been physically threatening to them, they hold the energy of the attack within themselves. They might hold onto a soul fragment or give a soul fragment to the other person being hurt (page 175-176 of Basic Theta textbook). They might share their life force with another. You can command to return not only soul fragments but the separate life forces. It’s very powerful!

Life Force Separated and Returned 

Command to witness the life force around and connected to the client as it separates in what was intermingled with another. The original life force returns to the client.


◊ I have to give up a part of myself to save my family… a sibling…a parent…another child…a friend…a pet. 

  1. They could internalize by blaming themselves for not being able to do something to stop the abuse. In-other-words, they unconsciously think that their suffering, guilt or strength will help the person being abused. You will find that this often happens in both physically violent homes and in witnessing sexual abuse of other siblings or friends. This must be ascertained by your connection to Creator so you can guide the person.


◊ It’s my fault for being unable to stop the abuse. 

◊ I blame myself for others actions. 

◊ I have to use my suffering…my guilt…my strength to save another. 

  1. Emotional incest, taking care of the emotional needs of an adult, can lead empathic children to interpret intentions of an adult whose energy feels malevolent, violent or sexual, as having been abused.

Work on issues around boundaries and separating the needs, thoughts, feelings, ideas and opinions of others from the client’s needs, thoughts, feelings, ideas, and opinions. Teach the client how to be a priority in their own life w/o feeling guilty or selfish. Teach them what it feels like for their needs to matter and count. Make sure to check any oaths, vows, promises, trades and contracts that might stop them from being a priority person in their life.

### 第11頁
#### 兒童期虐待在成人中的徵兆





Lori Kondora 是一位採訪過曾在童年時期遭受性虐待的成年女性的護士,她發現儘管許多女性經歷了低自尊、抑鬱、成癮行為、焦慮、疼痛和飲食障礙,但一些女性也表現出了韌性、獨立性、創造力、更深的靈性和個人力量。記憶是治癒過程的開始,而將她們的故事告訴他人則進一步促進了這個過程。

### 第12頁

#### 目睹創傷也會帶來創傷




◊ 我知道如何區分事件發生的事實和我從中接受到的能量。
◊ 我知道如何區分童年發生的事情以及它實際發生在誰身上。


◊ 我必須放棄自己的一部分來拯救我的家庭…一個兄弟姐妹…一個父母…另一個孩子…一個朋友…一個寵物。


◊ 因為我無法阻止虐待,這是我的錯。
◊ 我責怪自己對他人的行為負責。
◊ 我必須用我的痛苦…我的內疚…我的力量來拯救他人。

